100% Satisfaction guarantee
If you have a product problem, return the item to your school if the sale is still going on (Please note: The sale is typically held in the five days following your assembly). Defective items will be replaced by new product at no charge. Guarantee is subject to normal wear and tear from regular use.
If the sale at your school is over, simply contact our Customer Care department. Give us your mailing address, the color and item name, and we will replace any previously purchased item that has a defect—free of charge. Did we mention that we’ll ship it to you for free too? We’re serious about your satisfaction!
Although The NED Show is only at your child’s school for one day, our Customer Care is available year-round to provide product support, answer product questions and offer free, downloadable resources for parents and teachers.
Whether you purchased your items from your school sale or from ShopNED, our online store, please contact Customer Care directly.
Quick Links
To inquire about a show date call: 1-877-872-9696 x101
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