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Why yo-yos?

For over 25 years, we’ve used yo-yo tricks in our school performances. This bit of old-fashioned fun helps us be entertaining and unforgettable in the mind of a child as we share how “NED” learns to never give up, encourage others and do his best.


We also share that while yo-yoing is cool and simple, it’s not always easy. Everyone who learns to yo will make mistakes along the way. Students are told that if they try yo-yoing, it’s important to learn from mistakes and never give up. Teachers and parents often see children practice persistence and find great fulfillment in doing their personal best as they learn to yo with NED. Best of all, this “NED mindset” is infinitely transferable to school subjects!

Meet the Yo-Yos

Designs and colors vary. Your child will choose from a wide assortment available at your school.

Classic Yos
Learn the basics of yo-yoing with fixed axle yos.

Hitched for quick return

Butterfly or Imperial style

Can be adjusted for advanced play


Super Spinner Yos
Spins longer and features 'auto-return' for basic and intermediate tricks.

Built-in clutch/auto-return feature

Specialty Selection Yos
Professional, ball-bearing yos for special effects and trickier tricks.

Professional ball-bearing yo

Long spins for string tricks

Spark Yo lights up when spinning


Parent Resources
"My son has seen your assembly every year in school and loves it. I am amazed, that with the thousands of electronics, and “shiny” toys that he chooses to go with one of the classics – a yo-yo. 
I am very happy about that. He is able to increase his bonds with his grandfathers – both of whom were avid yo-yoers in their youth. They spend time “walking the dog”, going “around the world” and spending time together that they might have missed out on without this common ground. 
Thank you for the wonderful opportunity that you’re giving to our kids."